Thursday 17 December 2015

Top Spots for Hard Water Damage


Hard water is made up of minerals including calcium, limestone and magnesium and its presence can have a nasty effect. Not only can hard water affect materials such as glass and plastic, but it can also wreak havoc on metal as well. Over time, that unpleasant hard water stain can eventually lead to tarnishing or even a nasty slime. Keep a close eye on these common places affected by hard water and take action at the first sign of build-up.

1. Building windows

Buildings are constantly bombarded by dirt, salt from the air, and chemical pollutants. Over time, these elements when mixed with water can cause hard water stains and build-up.

2. Beachfront windows

There is no question that being nearer to the ocean increases the amount of exposure to hard water minerals. Simply put, salty coastal air is rough on windows. It is vital to clean these windows regularly and watch for signs of hard water.

3. Bathrooms

With all the introduced moisture, bathrooms are highly susceptible to build-up. Windows, faucets, showerheads and especially shower doors can be plagued with spots and streaks of hard water.

Tackle hard water build-up and stains immediately to prevent irreparable damage. Visit this website now for more information on window deposit removal in San Diego.

Geoff Johnson: Window-washing as preparation for life

My comeuppance — after a secondary-school career followed by an undergraduate year focusing on Latin, the classics, Reformation history and learning how to be good at exams — came more

Wednesday 16 December 2015

How Clean Your Windows Are Can Factor How Healthy Your House Is


You do not want your home to fall into a state of disarray. Not only will it look bad, but it can also negatively impact your health. You can take proactive measures by cleaning your windows regularly, and you will be able to take advantage of numerous benefits.

Breathe Easier

Dust particles and other allergens can attach themselves to the glass of your windows. If too much accumulates, then it could set off any allergies or affect a person’s asthma. Cleaning your windows regularly will ensure that you are able to breathe in your own home.

Sunshine Is Good For You

Dirty windows will not let in as much sunlight even if the curtains are completely open. Sunlight gives you your daily dose of Vitamin D, and while you do not want to be exposed to the sun for too long, you still need Vitamin D to be healthy. Not only that but being in dark rooms can affect your overall mood, so sitting in a bright space can do a lot for your body’s well-being.

You should make sure your windows constantly look great so that you can take care of all the various advantages associated with a clean house. In the event that you require some assistance, look at this website to see about getting window washers in Sorrento Valley to come out to your home.

3 Signs Your Windows Are in Need of Cleaning

Every area of your home needs to be kept in pristine condition to keep impressing the neighbors and guests. Your windows are particularly important to the overall aesthetic, so if you notice any of the following, then it is time for a comprehensive window cleaning.

1. Not Enough Light is getting In

When it is the middle of the day and your blinds are completely open yet a room still feels dark, then it could be the result of the window being too dirty. Other issues with the window may be to blame, but you should try cleaning them before resorting to more intensive methods.

2. Dust Has Accumulated

If you wipe your finger across the window glass and you see a fine coat of dust has gathered on your finger, then that should immediately tell you your windows need to be cleaned.

3. Stains Have Developed

Stains are more likely to occur on the outside of your windows because various substances can come into contact with the glass. This can leave behind a troublesome stain that negatively impacts the look of the windows.

By cleaning and maintaining your windows regularly, you will not have to worry about replacing them for quite some time. For more information about cleaning services, visit this website to learn more about high-quality window washers in Sorrento Valley.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

A Clean View


Even the family cat can appreciate the view through clean windows. Have your windows professionally washed several times a year to ensure everyone in your home can enjoy the beautiful outdoor scenery.

Monday 14 December 2015

Top Three Reasons to Clean Your Building Exterior


Having a clean building exterior is vital to your business. Not only is it the first thing customers see upon arriving, but it also extends the life of your building. Keeping that in mind, check out the top three reasons to clean your building exterior.    

1. Cleanse contaminants

Yes, dirt and grime are unsightly, but the safety threat from water-storing fungi is a serious concern. Not only can mold on the exterior of your building impact the structure’s health, but it can also affect the health of those inside.

2. Cleaning is cost effective

Compared to the expense of replacing all the caulks, sealants and flashing on your building, a proper regular cleaning can be a real time and money saver. Schedule regular cleanings to extend the time between major renovations and repairs.

3. Maintain your first impression

A clean building inspires confidence in both employees and customers. Take pride in your business by ensuring a clean work environment – both inside and outside.

Whether it is to remove grime and contaminants, save money, or greet customers with pride, there are plenty of benefits to regularly cleaning your building’s exterior. Regardless of the motivation, visit this website now for more information on mid-rise building window washing in La Jolla.

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Your Large Mirror


No matter how often you clean them, mirrors are magnets for dirt, grime, and fingerprints. Store-bought cleaners often leave behind streaks and paper towel lint, putting you right back where you started. Whether at your home or business, here are some tips and tricks for cleaning your large mirrors.

1. Use a homemade cleaner

Fill a spray bottle with a 2-part water and 1-part white distilled vinegar solution for best results. Then skip the paper towels and grab a clean rag or old t-shirt and a microfiber cloth.

2. Clean from top to bottom

Stand on a stool or ladder if necessary and work from top to bottom. Spray enough cleaning solution to dampen the rag and gently wipe the surface of the mirror. After you clean the surface, use the microfiber cloth to dry and polish the mirror.

3. Cleaning small areas

Use a Q-tip to clean any hard to reach surfaces. Dip one end into the solution, squeeze out the excess liquid and clean those difficult areas.

If the prospect of cleaning your large mirrors is still too daunting, skip the hassle and headache and hire a team of trained professionals. Visit this website now for more information on large mirror cleaning in Sorrento Valley.